Review: Call of Duty Black Ops 2

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It is taken us a time to get through this review but to be honest, we wanted to get through as much of the sport as possible in order to provide a fair review of exactly what Call of Duty Black Ops 2 has to offer. Therefore hit the jump and go into the whole assessment and see what we think of the latest entry in to the Call of Duty franchise.
Lets have the essential stuff from the way first, Activision was nice enough to send us an evaluation copy of Call of Duty Black Ops 2. And boy oh boy, are we pleased because this game has already taken over the most my Xbox time and has also managed to knock of Borderlands 2 as my go to game right now. The overall game is the newest addition to the Call of Duty team, and the newest from growth team Treyarch.
The game takes ideas from the last Black Ops and brings them in to the year 2025 rather than emphasizing previous wars, or ‘contemporary’ wars like other items to the business. The original thought of moving the series in to the future put some question marks around this subject – how can it work, what could they do, is this merely a step towards the Terminator? Well Treyarch jumped completely force on this game and made it seriously one of if not the best Call of Duty to date.
Original Impressions:
Call of Duty Black Ops 2, takes exactly what is loved in these activities and pushes them farther. The move, the story, the problems, everything just gets adopted a level in the place of resting on what has already been done. The story absorbs you while you are playing, you are interested in the people, and the piece, you really find yourself playing through it quickly like a good book that you can’t deposit just so you can find out anything regarding the story.
The online experience is exactly what we love about Call of Duty, the guns, the action, the intense struggles. It can easily be played in 20 minute breaks, or all day on end and you merely do not get enough of it. If you do eventually get tired of the multitude of game ways in regular on line play, well you can jump in to Zombies for what is a completely different experience and game that adds hours more enjoyable in a completely different way.
The gameplay is what we have come to expect from your Call of Duty franchise: the single person is demanding and engaging, the multiplayer is frantic, rapid paste and sucks you in, and yes there’s zombies. It’s everything that you realize and love (or hate) about Call of Duty games, and brings back a very important factor that after the first Black Ops felt sorely missing in Modern Warfare 2, diving.
The history style missions can seem familiar at times, but that’s to be expected considering we’ve been enjoying Call of Duty activities for a long time now. The story itself is what you are playing for now and this game does not let anyone down because office, it’s the absolute most in-depth story so far.
Treyarch did too much to polish the look of this game, although there’s nothing new running behind the scenes in Black Ops 2. The identity types are improved and the levels are more attractive. You truly wish to be able to set off route in these levels and discover more. The guns are more refined and there are now themes as possible supply your weapons with for a slightly ‘customized’ feel, which is a good addition but nothing over the top.
The artwork improvements aren’t only in the single player mode, you notice the improvements within the multiplayer also. The identity models are very different depending on your gun choices and factions demonstrably. The gun types are improved and look different on the basis of the accessories you provide, that will be not anything new, but they look better and smoother.
Single Player Campaign:
The story puts you in the shoes of David Mason, the daughter of the character Alex Mason from the first Black Ops game. Treyarch has done an excellent job of reaching into the potential in a way that invests you in it, rather than putting you in it. You are used to the story line, the figures pull you in and makes you want to play through the next mission so you can under stand more about what it’s that got us here.
The plan plays similarly to other Call of Duty activities, with jumps between stages and activities. You play through studying different points of the story through each mission and encountering different problems and opponents. An interesting perspective between this game and past installments is time; the game is set in the future but the activities that put everything in motion occurred in days gone by. Which means you play through different acts in different times utilizing different tools and play forms. It really increases the game-play since in ‘future’ tasks you’ve better technology and equipment for your use so you can perform through differently in these missions.
Throughout your play through you still have to discover ‘intel’ and do little problems that don’t always change the outcome of the sport, but you get more points for completing them all and you can evaluate your play through report against your friends to see who did the best. It’s nice that Treyarch included a numbers display so you can have a look at that and observe how many items of ‘intel’ you missed or other factors that you can make an effort to accomplish during future play throughs to obtain additional details, in all honesty this is just for completionists out there and doesn’t actually change your game.
Call of Duty multiplayer is either loved or hated by players, and often hated by individuals who like it. It feels like coming home, but like coming home after someone has really done some improvements across the place. The sport is quicker than before and every thing seems better than it did in previous entries.
You have your regular game modes, both core and hard-core. There’s also league play now, which will be an additional advantage for having ordered the season pass. You’ve your common activities, demolition, capture the flag, death match, there’s also the one in the chamber, individual processes like gun sport and sticks and stones. There is a little for everyone: whether you want larger level battles or quick busy free-for-all, you will get what you are looking for.
Right now, the machines still appear to be fighting to maintain, if you’re in a bigger party you can get dropped or lose your party. You even have times where you wait around for a reception to refill, or you crash from a game. You also have to deal with the variety migration all through activities which may get annoying, however it is to be expected with influx of players working to the game day in and day out.
The one thing that is missing is larger area maps. Everything is confined and small, every road gets the generally annoying sides to camp, and there are capture corridors where you are never going to cope with alive. There is not really anyway to ‘snipe’ since there are so many crowded areas so you better be ready to perform and gun. Hopefully this will be solved with potential maps, but at launch, incomparable close-up fighting.
One of the main trying to sell details of Black Ops 2 was the reunite of Zombies and it does not let’s down. Originally, there is some concern (at the very least from me) that will be a lighter version of Left 4 Dead, but it’s not, it’s a completely different experience. The zombies get harder with each wave, and if you do not work with your group you are most certainly not likely to survive. There’s also now the zombie coach, it will take you from area to area with within the chart to start different weapons. If you’re not on the bus when it leaves the city, well you’re in for hard times because your team mates probably are not caught with you.
The weaker side of zombies despite the newest introductions is that the zombies originate from spots, and you are able to do the standard range kill regime to rack up lots of points. It might get very similar and lose its appeal especially when you have people in the game who are only doing the circle kill point grab. The best choice is to play with friends and make it an enjoyable romp through zombie disarray and make it a closed match which means you do not need certainly to deal with this down side.
That small down side does not remove from the fun of Zombies, but it does allow you to miss the challenge and gameplay of Left 4 Dead, but hey, one game can’t be anything can it?
In general, this is the better version of Call of Duty so far and really makes you remember why you love this team. There are games out there that appeal to different types of participants and gameplay, but why Call of Duty is the master of them all this game reminds you. The story is the most advanced, the aspects are the most sophisticated, and the game itself makes you wonder if there is everywhere that this team could go without new hardware for the designers to push.
Buy, and obtain the season pass too!
Thanks again to Activision for giving us a review copy, we are still enjoying it!

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